There are many ways to help Engera UK!
Engera UK and its sister organizations are immensely grateful to our donors and the more than 450 volunteers who have worked alongside local communities and us in Gurage and Oromia. With their help, we have improved the lives of thousands of people through improved healthcare.
If you are interested in an opportunity to share and leverage your expertise and make a difference in the areas where we work, please fill out the form below or contact Lydia Pistis at lydia.engera@gmail.com
Any help from medical professionals will make a difference, but we are especially looking for:
General Practitioners: All medical specialities, but especially paediatricians, dermatologists, infectious disease specialists, surgeons, gynaecologists, ophthalmologists, orthopedists, neurologists, dentists, radiologists, hygienists,Professional and non-professional nurses
We also welcome volunteer staff to work alongside healthcare professionals.
You can also help from home by collecting medicines, medical clothes, and general clothing.
Or you can organise a fundraiser and we will support you! No idea is too small. Whether you host a trivia night or run a marathon, every bit we raise will help us improve healthcare in Gurage Zone and Oromia.
With your help, we can expand our work and change more lives.You can also support Engera UK by making a donation. Every pound you donate is a step toward the health and improved well-being of a strong, capable, and vibrant community.
©2023 by EngeraUK, All Rights Reserved